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Re: Avid Liquid 7.0 DVD Production vs Premiere Pro + Encore DVD

Posted by doc on 06/15/06 07:43

very simple. we use it for one of our clients tv shows and also use avid's
xpress pro for another. the advantage of the liquid 7 (LE7) is that it is
probably the only simple to use ALL IN ONE package with title dekko for
titling, dvd authoring, or just a simple dvd output with a big play button.
we love it because of it's simplicity and because we can dump pratically
anyting on the timeline, even 15fps and even 10fps stuff that other programs
just puke over :o)

hey it's a winner!

btw, we had both the others (FCP and PP) and both sucked in our opinion with
PP being the better of the two. also, you'll love the layout of LE's panel
and if you have two monitors WOW!


<> wrote in message
> I'm currently looking at purchasing Avid Liquid 7.0 or Premiere Pro for
> the production of coporate dvd's. The adobe encore dvd website shows
> the program doing everything i need for an upcoming project. However
> the cost is a big factor especially if I have to buy that on-top of
> premiere pro. I am interested by avid liquid 7.0 and its in built dvd
> production (not to mention the price difference) but the avid website
> shows me very little of the dvd production function. I was wondering if
> anyone who uses avid liquid 7.0 for dvd production could tell me how
> simple it is to use.
> I'n the short term I need to produce a dvd with a fairly complex menu
> encompasing a number of small clips, aswell as an image slide show
> which will probably require individual selection of images (up to 500
> alphabetically aranged) aswell as a "play all" function. The Encore dvd
> flowchart system looked easy enough to use. Your thoughts would be very
> much appreciated.
> Any other coments on any major differences between avid liquid and
> premiere pro would also be appreciated.
> ps i have limited experience using premiere 6.5 and final cut pro,
> notable differences?
> Cheers
> Robert Henderson



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