Posted by Kimba W. Lion on 06/18/06 14:25
Derek Janssen <ejanss@nospam.comcast.net> wrote:
>they're convinced any *other* new technology will
>"catch on" just for showing up: Blind panic, and terror of the unknown.
>Corporate execs and industry analysts, deep down, don't really know WHY
>DVD suddenly caught fire the way it did in '99--And as long as they
>cann't come up with a nice, marketable reason they can take credit for,
>and the phenomena remains a mystery to them, why then, gosh...it could
>happen again! At any moment! 0_0
>Causing them to suddenly hunker down in survivalist defense-battle mode
>the second any new format shows up, and prepare for it to Change the
>World again the moment it looks at them cross-eyed.)
That's one of the best descriptions of corporate culture I've seen in a
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