Posted by Walter Traprock on 11/24/05 00:27
"rossco" <r.hutchison@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
> I would like to create a directory or hierechy of menus. Main menu
> (26-alpabet) to sub menu (probably another 20 menues) to individule
> menus. A menu system to get to over 1500 categories. Then when you get
> to this categories there must be minimum of 5 still pictures to click
> or run through.
> This is the question what is the maximum number of menus and maximum
> stills I can get on a dvd ?????
> I have been told by specialists in this field that some software
> packages can produce infinite menus. But they seem to be at a
> disagreement on how a still can be showen on screen to maximis the
> quantity the disk can hold. The theories so far is
> 1. unlimited menus and (dvd5) 720 stills max.
> 2. 999 menus max and freeze a still to play for 10sec then play and
> freeze the next until end of category acheived. So therefore thousands.
> So is it thousands or hundreds of still pics is it infinite menus or
> 999. ????????
OUCH! this is interesting, are you interested in making the most
frustrating dvd possible? be sure to use a lot of "USER PROHIBITION"
A sort of related question: are there any dvd players that allow
the user to simply ignore User Prohibitions? (without hacking,
computers, copying, etc.)
One of the muenstros santos dvds takes the cake in User Prohibitions:
ALL skipping, stopping, pausing, fastforward/backward, menu, top menu,
subtitling, etc., are disabled by the DVD for about 7-8 minutes of ads
for spanish language movies.
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