Posted by doc on 10/05/62 11:51
Thank you William Davis for the fine dissertation - - AND - - no offense
I too have a degree, in fact four of them (BS, MS, 2-PhD's) but that not
only doesn't make me smart but gives me a Psychological Handicapped
Deficiency - PHD :o) (my own invented term by the way) because the degrees
sometimes make me think that i'm actually smart. However, the truth is that
I'm not or I wouldn't have made the mistakes I did or let others make them
at my expense.
The truth is (as I've continued to illustrate clearly and publically) is
that Salespeople (whom you probably are William Davis with all the
credentials exposed so that everyone knows your smart and who you are)
usually tell whatever story they need to in order to gain a sale and thus a
feather or $$$ in their cap. Moreover, what aggetates me more is when Tech
Support won't admit a failure and make a recommendation that might hurt
their image or their business. Pinnacle Systems once told me in August of
last year when we were working with one of their software products, "we give
up, we can't make it work" and gave me my money back. To me that takes a
lot of courage and I respect their tech support for it. To that end, we
didn't go out and sing a bad song about Pinnacle but in fact gave them a
second chance on a different software product and it worked, which I might
add saved us from the FCP box/fix we were in. Apple tech support and
Macintosh tech support (and sales too for that matter) told us they were not
only the BEST solution but there wasn't anything close and to that end we
eventually agreed - - all the other manufacturers one could get third,
forth, etc. party solutions while with them it was single source Apple/Mac
and it wasn't working to our satisfaction. I remember distinctly hearing an
Apple tech support chap saying, "well, you have to be making an error,
because I'm doing the same thing here on our machine and it's working." To
this I added, well then, you take control of the mistake (thus eliminating
me from the loop of operator error) and make it work so that I can watch.
He did the former but not the latter. Once he gained access, he make the
necessary operations as he discussed on the phone and the computer locked up
and FCP crashed, wherein the computer locked up and then shut down (whoops,
that would infer that it did a normal shut down - - it didn't it shut off,
instantly) "OK," said he, "it's obviously an operating system error and you
have to reboot the computer software to fix it. That would be the third and
final rebooting before a NON-APPLE EMPLOYEE found it to be a hardware issue.
So, I guess it wasn't operator error or perhaps an Anglo-Saxon would
conclude yes, the operator that built the computer and thus delivered to us
and argued with us that it wasn't wrotten.
As for my credentials, if you were to come in my office, you would not find
my pieces of paper (diploma as you put it) hanging on the wall. Why,
because I don't judge people by the cover they wear nor do I want the same
folks judging me therein the same. Thus, when they come to us/me we want
them to select us not because I graduated from Ohio State, Purdue, or MIT a
couple times, but because of the work, desire, and passion, we have for
their project and their problems. People that focus on credentials are
typically Anglo-Saxon (who were beyond the shadow of a doubt legalist) and
therefore will get more wrapped up in the paper that makes a project work or
fail than the project itself. I produced my first TV show with two pieces
of lined tabet paper with scribbled notes and sketches on it that
represented the two adjacent sets that stood before me, half of which I
helped build with my own saw, saw horses, drill, etc. over a period of a
couple days because unlike my degrees would qualify me for, I like to get
down with the workers (whom I respectively call "Troops") and just be one of
the troops. Moreover, my first award in video (linear) was made from 12
pages of handwritten notes, no storyboard but rather a "shoot list" which I
still use for all my productions, several mirrors, and some pans with baby
lotion in them to make smoke (the latter too items which I refered to as "a
movie made with smoke and mirrors" :o) and although while still in college
at MIT I never once referred to my eduction as having anything to do with my
abilities and so far as my judges and audience knew I was uneducated
formerly (the latter of which was important to me because unlike all those
in that social arena because I came from Appilachia and was a great fan of
American Indians - actually wished I were one - and wanted to present that
even "hicks" can have talent)
When I met Thelma Schoonmaker in New York last fall at NAB Post, I was
amazed to learn of how she and Marty (as she put it) come to know each other
during Woodstock and gained an admiration for such ideals. However, she's
since lost those ideals and moved on the $$$ the latter of which I have
absolutely no use for whatsoever. To this latter end, my wife and I are on
disagreeing terms but therein agree to disagree, although it does come in
handy when one wants to expand :o)
Well, nuff said, William I leave you on this note, I appreciate this group,
I enjoy the opportunity to voice my opinion, and if you haven't learned
enough about my character to trust me by now through all this verbage I
spend hours pounding out on my former book writing laptop, then your degrees
and all the learning you've gained has LOST you something - - the ability to
see forest because of all the trees in the way - - the latter of whom are
the types of characters I regularly observe in here although there are a few
wise ones like the guy from the UK that interjects some interesting
conflicting statements to the biggie Apple/Mac lovers . . . hmmmmmmm . .
..can't think of his name but I like his "quickie" notes.
Let's learn together, not question why, but accomplish some understanding,
that thinking outside the box will always produce something out of this
world of boxes.
Remember there is a truth and it's pointed out clearly in the Bible, when
one does not like the truth that prophet says, attack the prophet. Would
that be you William?
DrD :o)
"BTW, isn't Disney World a People Trap OPERATED by a Mouse?"
"William Davis" <davisbill@mac.com> wrote in message
> In article <Xns97EFB1D7565A8Astrolabe@>,
> "Gene E. Bloch" <hamburger@NOT_SPAM.invalid> wrote:
>> William Davis <davisbill@mac.com> wrote in
>> news:davisbill-909C97.03061527062006@news.west.cox.net:
>> > You likely came here seeking respect. Your behavior, however has
>> > earned a short trip to my killfile.
>> >
>> > *Plonk*
>> >
>> > (if I ever see any of your posts via quoting here, I'll step up
>> > and make sure everyone understands that you have NONE of the
>> > expertise you claim.
>> Be aware that the above remark, quoted from your post, could convey an
>> impression of the sort of person you might be.
> Well, I hope the sort of person that is would be someone who uses the
> same standards and criteria for judging people in newsgroups as a
> sensible person might use for judging people in the real world.
> For example, I think doctors should have a diploma from an accredited
> medical school. My doc has his on his wall, along with a certificate
> from that school (Johns Hopkins) indicating that he had ranked second in
> his graduating class. Makes me feel GREAT every time I visit him!
> And it would take a LOT to get me to a place where I could question his
> medical judgement.
> This does NOT indicate that everyone MUST have some kind of formal
> credentials. Some of the smartest guys I know don't have paper degrees.
> But on-line conversations are a whole nother ballgame. People regularly
> INVENT personalities, qualifications and experience here.
> All we have to use to judge people is what they write. When someone
> writes something that strikes me as false. I think it's fair to ask for
> details. If they aren't forthcoming over repeted requests, I also think
> it's fair to call that posters credientials into question.
> Just like a "doctor" who sets up shop in your physical neighborhood, but
> doesn't seem to know what they're doing.
> If nobody calls them out, the community suffers.
> Like it or not, this is my community. I've been posting here for nearly
> a decade.
> I don't like people who publically trash my choice of tools, can't or
> won't debate openly and then hide behind handles so that they can slink
> away leaving behind bogus opinions and unchallenged assertations.
> Sorry if I offend you. But I consider it the on-line equivalent of
> picking up litter in my physical neighborhood.
> Just how I am.
> Off to LA for my lecture tomorrow. See you all next week.
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