Posted by Angus Manwaring on 07/01/06 20:43
On 01-Jul-06 10:38:08, Gunther Gloop said
>the dog from that film you saw wrote:
>But that's not what this is about. I'm just saying that anyone who doesn't
>read comics because they have "grown out of them" has a lot more growing to
>do -or at least doesn't know enough about them to say that.
>There are other reasons to not read a comic, but I just don't take "I'm all
>mature now" as being a valid one.
Agreed. Its just another medium for telling stories, like books, films,
radio programs etc.
The other thing is that some people are passionate about the artwork in
comics, and fair enough, I say. I use to love Ron Smith's Judge Dredd and
Carlo Ezquerra's Strontium Dog in 2000 AD. Completely different styles,
but for me they just nailed those respective characters.
All the best,
Angus Manwaring. (for e-mail remove ANTISPEM)
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