Posted by Anne R on 07/01/06 18:37
I'm in the UK and am looking for a secret camcorder similar to what
they probably use in TV documentaries.
I'm getting really messed up by a doctor (NHS hospital doc) and I
want to record the stuff I have to go through in consultations as
proof for a complaint. The consultations are only discussion and not
a physical exam. Hard to explain but can't change doc easily.
I'm guessing that some consumer camcorders may now small enough to
hide on one's body. But I'm not well-off so I don't want to spend a
ton of cash.
Certainly camcorders are now small enough to hide in a bag with the
lens pointing outwards through a hole in the bag but I guess I would
need one with a wide-ish angle and a mic suited to picking up
conversation in a small room.
Can anyone recommend some models to put on my shortlist? Especially
if they are end-of-line and good deals can be had at the moment.
Thank you.
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