Posted by Heinrich Galland on 07/02/06 02:15
In article <7_KdnQfwi4ouvTrZnZ2dnUVZ_sGdnZ2d@comcast.com>, Derek
Janssen <ejanss@nospam.comcast.net> wrote:
> jimschoonover@usnet.com wrote:
> > I just got an email from a friend who said he read in the news about a
> > class action lawsuit against Netflix. He will get me the details if
> > he can find the article again. I definately want to get in on this.
> > Does anyone else know about it?
> Yep--You get a coupon from the company, and laughter and ridicule from
> everyone else. Enjoy. :)
Yes, the lawyers generally get, oh say....$50,000,000 and the people
for whom the suit is brought get, as you said, a coupon and the lawyers
laugh all the way to the bank!!
God, I hate these suits.
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