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Re: Why do DVD+R recordings go bad?

Posted by kitekrazy on 07/05/06 22:10

JH <> wrote in

> Sooooo. What is wrong with being a "liberal"????

Nothing but their predictability. They tell you you are wrong and then
tell you to search to backup their point of view.

> Are you one of the war-lovin' gun-totin' non-liberals?
> Arsehole.
> J.

Another fucking usless Your-a-pee-on. You must be thankful for the Middle
East. They took over your role as the most fucked up useless people on the
planet. You morons still can't learn from your own history. You would be
mumbling in German right now if it weren't for badass gun-totin people in
the land of the U.S.A.

You asswipes aren't worth saving anymore. You're just like cattle except
they smell better.



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