Posted by Martin Heffels on 07/06/06 08:16
On 5 Jul 2006 19:16:02 -0500, "Toby" <kymarto123@ybb.ne.jpp> wrote:
>I tend to
>automatically align for dominant verticals which are actually not vertical,
>such as trees, or true verticals which are not, such as dominant building
>edges with wide lenses tilted up (which converge). Only later in the edit
>suite do I find that the horizon is not level. I really wish my viewfinder
>had a grid like my still camera does...
True. In run&gun it can be hard to decide which feature to pick to align.
Sometimes on the small screen it looks allright, but once you see it on the
big screen, it looks awful. I know that feeling to you know :-)
"If he can he'll smile 'cos he's a Royal Crocodile."
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