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Re: Vegas Video for Mac?

Posted by ushere on 07/08/06 10:47

Mike Kujbida wrote:
> Richard Crowley wrote:
>> "bullshark" <> wrote in message
>> news:x1srg.24752$
>>> Mr. Tapeguy wrote:
>>>> Rôgêr wrote:
>>>> It's really a matter of comparing everything feature-for-feature but
>>>> overall, the advantage of a Mac is going to be a richer feature set
>>>> for the money, greater pool of available support from a much larger
>>>> installed user base and in general, a lower rate of repairs (based
>>>> on annual statistics).
>>> Wow, where does that come from? Care to share the source of those
>>> "statistic"? Around theses parts, a Mac cost 3 time what a similarly
>>> spec PC does, FCP cost 3 to 8 time what Vegas does depending on where
>>> you shop, and it has none of the audio capability that Vegas users
>>> take for granted and FCP has the most convoluted and slow workflow I
>>> have ever seen; not to mention instability of the program itself
>>> (well known that it's not the most solid or bug free program ever
>>> written). As for support from userbase, PC outnumber Mac 10 to 1
>>> so...You're far more likely to find help from geek on the cheap for
>>> a PC than for Mac.
>> We sometimes get misdirected messages from
>> newsgroups in other universes (undiscovered to
>> date) where apparently Macs outnumber PCs.
>> It appears to be a flaw in the internet system here
>> on our planet.
>> rant mode on <
> Why does it seem that almost every thread lately that talks about Macs & PCs
> degenerates into a pissing match :-(
> Tapeguy and I gave Rôgêr the answers he seemed to be looking for - and then
> it went downhill from there.
> Doc, do me (and, I think, most of us here) a big favour and get off the "all
> Macs are evil" bandwagon. I know a number of guys at local post houses who
> have been running FCP for a few years now and have NEVER had any of the
> problems you rant on about. BTW, they do everything from low end
> charity-type work to high-end corporate work and, as I said, they've never
> felt that their machines have let them down.
>> rant mode off <
> My saving grace in all of this is that, as of tomorrow morning, I'm on 2
> weeks vacation in places where I won't have internet access (or even hydro &
> indoor plumbing, for that matter) so I won't have to deal with any of these
> "discussions" for a while. I hope everyone enjoys their summer.
> Mike

enjoy it mike - peace and quiet, but remember winter's a coming ;-}




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