Posted by tt4mac on 07/11/06 22:14
You might want to get your facts straight. HDDVD is also hampered by
PCM 5.1 because it also supports it (I think they almost have to to be
back compatible with regular DVD). That does not mean the DVD maker
has to support it. Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby True HD (also DTS and
DTS HD) are supported by both also. It really depends on the DVD maker
as to which format is put on the disk.
As for the guy who states the "audio is awsome" with the new "HD" audio
formats. I question how you know? Last time I checked there was not a
receiver manufacture supporting any of these new audio formats (until
next year when the new models role out). Most of the features of the
HD-DVD and the Blu-ray are ahead of the hardware roll outs so we all
will have to wait and see how good the final product really is (I am
sure it will be great).
My opinion on which is better. At this time neither, they both have
great specs for the format itself. The real question is with the
quality of players and dvds released for each format. This battle is
out of the hands of the format designers. Till we see alot more
products released from each side I would not buy either. At least till
the new receivers roll out. When the expensive player can be justified
by not only by better picture quality but also better sound quality.
Joshua Zyber wrote:
> "Jordan" <lundj@earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:1152457583.351264.201650@75g2000cwc.googlegroups.com...
> > You might want to mention why MPEG2 is a problem... the spec for HDTV
> > broadcast quality is 25mbps, you would think that Blu-Ray wouldn't
> > have
> > a problem with this since the low end for the Blu-Ray (and HD-DVD)
> > spec
> > is 36mbps.
> >
> > The problem is that MPEG2 maxxes out at 19mbps. This is why all the
> > early Blu-Ray movies look like crap. They simply can't push the HDTV
> > resolution fast enough to give a decent picture quality.
> Don't forget that all of Sony's Blu-ray releases are also crippled in
> their video bit rates by the need to include space-hogging PCM 5.1
> soundtracks (and that's after the PCM has been downsampled to 16-bit
> resolution). HD DVD uses Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby TrueHD, which take
> up a lot less space for comparable quality, and don't compromise the
> video bit rate.
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