Posted by hotroddaddy on 07/16/06 13:10
Okay from everything I know about America its a great country 1,000%
freedom to do what you want when you want with in limits. America is
also the main super power of the world with more resources then any
other country will ever have. America is also loved more by its people
and government and god then any other country. I am even thinking about
retiring here in America. Also The so called Mother land can never
clean up its past for the future and is hated around the world for what
hitler and its brain washed people have done in ww1 and ww2. Also no
matter what americans treat people good if you treat them the way you
would like to be treat. Americans do not laugh behind your back like
the germans do. This is why my wife that is german left berlin and came
to paris her father is also a german jew and a great man and a teacher
at YALE universty in CT USA and remarried to a jewish woman also. Yes
America has its up and downs like any country but is the best. Don't
knock america it is the main piller of freedom and free will among men
and women all over the planet. SO BITE ME! KROUT!
DamnSkippy wrote:
> To the illustrious GAYASSO,
> Sprechen sie Deutch? If you don't, would you like to know why? Because
> the Americans to whom you would condescend in some dalusional
> perception of superiority or probably, more accurately, your
> rationalization of the sad truth that your country was at some point
> relavent on the world scene and now a sad socialist echo of what was a
> great empire, was saved last century three times by Americans.
> You're kind of like one of our biggest welfare recipients. Fine
> despise us for our accurate self perception of being the lone super
> power.
> Now I'm not expecting all of you to come over here and say "thanks for
> saving our bacon in WWI, WWII and the Falklands (pathetic)" when
> Germany certainly would have served you all your lunch twice and had
> its base (during WWII) to defend the North Sea and cause the now
> defunct Soviet Union ire if not outright starvation by controlling the
> shipping lanes while Germany attempted to rule the world. But, maybe,
> just maybe, a few of you who have some sad illusion you're better in
> some fashion could "lock it up" and be intelluctually deficient in
> silence. It's better to be quiet and appear questionably stupid then to
> voice YOUR particular OPINION and prove it. As for violence in
> American schools educate yourself troglodyte:
> http://education.guardian.co.uk/classroomviolence/story/0,,1640708,00.html
> http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=16678040&method=full&siteid=94762&headline=exclusive--mirror-backs-blitz-on-blades-name_page.html
> The propensity for violence is not increased by legal ownership of
> firearms. I'll make this simple, so you can understand. "Who in your
> country owns firearms?" ??? That's right, CRIMINALS. So llaw abiding
> citizens in your country are at a decided disadvantage right at the
> onset. No way a law abiding citizen can protect themselves.... Read
> about crime rates (esp. violent) in Switzerland most of the population
> owns firearms. A damn site less than your country. And the reason we
> have the constitutional protection to own firearms is to replace a
> government that doesn't abide by the constitution and protect its
> citizen's rights to FREEDOM. We wanted to make sure if the situation
> presented itself we could do it again. UK 0 US 2 (1776,1812).
> In closing, I'd like to thank you for attention, state on behalf of my
> country "You're welcome, for WWI, WWII, and tee hee .....wait.... LOL
> .....the Falklands (the Falklands, you've got to be kidding me you guys
> couldn't muster enough sack to beat a third world country and put us in
> a position to go against our own Monroe Doctrine and support an
> interloper into the Western Hem).
> On a sincere note, I do appreciate your current PM's intestinal
> fortitude and his grasp of the seriousness of the issues of global
> terrorism. Furthermore, William Pitt, Winston Churchill and Margaret
> Thatcher were of consdirable worth as well.
> Enjoy your high tax rates, somewhat tolerable food, sub-standard but
> freely available health care and all the economic crippling trappings
> of socialism. You guys aren't France yet, but with more "upstanding
> enlightened" Brits like yourself, you'll be cowering and smelling bad
> just like those pros at the game in no time. I mean you've already got
> that annoying french spelling thing with coloUr and those S's, it's
> clearly a Z sound..... organiSSation???? no it's phonetically zayshun.
> (just teasin')
> BTW, would you happen to know where I can get "Whips in my Chalise.mp3"
> by Adam Ant?
> Or since your country protects all fraudulent charges to cred cards,
> could you just post your numbers on the web for all to enjoy. And we
> can give that free money to that wonderful western european money maker
> lowdown scammin' shaker. Good on ya. Got a rubber? Going to go suck a
> fag? Going to get pissed? Silly language.
> May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your woman,
> Damn Skippy.
> G8ASO <(.¿.)> © T wrote:
> > My reply to some American, is reposted below in case you missed it:-
> >
> >
> > Judging by the use of the word "Shucks" which does not appear in an English
> > dictionary, I would assume you are an American.
> >
> > In the mother country, our government has made a law whereby we are not
> > responsible for any fraudulent transaction made on our credit cards, so,
> > even if your extreme suggestions are remotely true, who cares? We get the
> > music and a refund in the remote case of any fraud.
> >
> > I have been with Allofmp3 for a long time, and have a good relationship with
> > them, sourcing music for them.
> >
> > They have never been anything but the most professional organisation I have
> > ever dealt with, their website is one of the most well constructed on the
> > web, and their software is excellent and well thought out. I also edit their
> > on-line catalogue to remove spelling mistakes and correct some of the
> > listings.
> >
> > They no longer accept credit card payments, and haven't for months.
> >
> > The Xrost service redirects you to a new URL which works, but they only
> > accept Papal for a new PIN code, so another tier of protection there.
> > All together, complete protection against fraud, and not a single complaint
> > against them by any customer.
> >
> > I suggest you direct your anger at the profiteering companies such as ITunes
> > etc., who overcharge for music, offer it in a silly format with reduced
> > quality, and make it more expensive than actually buying the original work
> > from Amazon!
> > The same goes for all the other Western sellers of music on-line, they all
> > vastly overcharge for the service and sell a substandard product for more
> > than the cost of the original CD recording.
> >
> > The company has been investigated by the authorities and the website was
> > suspended for about 2 weeks whilst this was carried out, it was found to be
> > 100% legal, as was their other site based in Czechoslovakia.
> >
> > It may well NOT be legal if it was based in the USA, but many things are
> > different in other counties - for example, in the UK no citizen can buy a
> > firearm for personal use, so we don't have our school children executing
> > their classmates!.
> >
> > http://music.allofmp3.com/added.shtml?day=today see the new additions today
> > here.
> >
> > I am not connected with the company other than receiving credit for my
> > sourcing of rare CDs for their collection.
> >
> > Can you find another legal website where you can download the original work
> > in lossless form (Monkey's Audio .ape file) to reconstruct a CD locally with
> > exactly the same quality as the original CD? I can't.
> >
> > All of MP3 is unique, unless Russia and Czechoslovakia change their laws -
> > completely legal, and safe and secure to deal with. It that were not enough
> > to recommend it, it looks as if it has a significantly larger and more
> > complete catalogue than anyone else at about 10% of the price for a superior
> > product.
> >
> > I rest my case!
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