Posted by mmaker@my-deja.com on 07/17/06 12:27
Martyn Drake wrote:
> User prohibitions should be banned. I've paid to watch a film. I KNOW
> I shouldn't steal handbags, cars, wallets and movies. I KNOW what's
> coming from the same bloody studio as I've got something called the
> Internet that lets me find that out. I just want to bloody watch the
> flipping film for crying out loud..
I love the ones that prevent you from changing the audio language or
subtitles while playing the movie. What idiot thought I should be
forced to go back to the menus to change them when I have buttons on
the remote?
More impressive, though, was one I think David Lynch movie which has no
chapters, and disabled the timeline bar in PowerDVD so I couldn't even
click on the point in the movie I wanted to watch from. The only way to
get to the point in the movie where I wanted to start watching was to
bloody fast-forward through forty minutes.
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