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Re: Best Under $1500 prosumer Camera?

Posted by Gene E. Bloch on 07/19/06 01:00

OK, take four deep breaths, then while some music of Mozart plays,
think about a beautiful sunset :-)

On 7/18/2006, doc posted this:
> hehehe, i'm trying not rant but it's straining me :o) also, i can't find the
> "Rant ON" and "Rant OFF" buttons on my laptop :o)

Try Shift-Ctrl-Alt-F3 and Shift-Ctrl-Alt-F4. On second thought, *don't
try that*.

> drd
<SNIP of rantables :-) >

Gene E. Bloch (Gino)
(replace the numbers by "at" and "dotcom")



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