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Re: "Superman Returns"; *I* barf up stuff I ate 5 years ago

Posted by Alric Knebel on 09/26/94 11:53

nenslo wrote:

> In article <>,
> Alric Knebel <alric@[]> wrote:
>>Phat Bytestard wrote:
>>>On Thu, 20 Jul 2006 22:16:46 -0500, Alric Knebel
>>><alric@[]> Gave us:
>>>>Do you want to have a contest? I absolutely LOVE punctuation; know how
>>>>to use it, too.
>>> You're an abject idiot.
>>Coming from YOU, that means what?
> Takes one to know one?

Still can't help yourself, eh, Ninslow? And you tried to pretend you
were above it all. See, I told you you were all posture. You're really
hanging in there. You've got moxy, kid. I like that. Right now, I
feel like that Humphrey Bogart character in Woody Allen's PLAY IT AGAIN
SAM, and we're walking back toward the hangar after Diane Keaton and her
husband have flown off, and I'm saying, "You've developed quite a style
for yourself, kid."

(Ratio: 7 -- or 8 -- to 1.)

Alric Knebel



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