Posted by Bill Fright on 07/27/06 18:33
Rayne wrote:
> Hi all,
> You cameramen out there with expensive ENG euqipment, when you fly. Do
> you bring your equipment in cabin? or check it it? Im trying to work
> out whether its a risk to buy a big pelican 1650 case for my 2 pd170s
> and check it in, or if its too risky...any words of advice?
> M
I did a job on the east coast early this year and had to go out there
twice with my gear. My light kit is in an aircraft approved case and
weighs 70lbs. To my horror I watched it go through the xray machine for
larger items and it was catipulted through the air (at least 4 feet) and
was stopped by a large rubber bumper. I have 5 heads in that case with
10 spare bulbs. 3 of the bulbs were destroyed. I also watched a guy
actually try to throw the kit on a conveyor belt and pointed out to him
it would have been easier for him to just place it on the belt. He just
snorted at me.
These airport workers are disgruntled as hell and actually try to break
your stuff. I wrote several complaint letters and never recieved a reply
from one of them. For future gigs where I have to fly I'm hiring grips
to carry on whatever I can. The light kit will just have to take the
So this should help you decide to carry your camera on. I have a porta
brace soft bag that fits in the overheads and only use small LCD
monitors instead of my 9" Sony.
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