Posted by Steven Lichter on 08/06/06 17:05
Mr. Tapeguy wrote:
> julian814 wrote:
>> qonox wrote:
>>> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=012&item=220013841813&rd=1
>>> &sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1
>> Grrr! This newsgroup isn't for Macs! Do some research before you post,
>> you twit!
>> Ralph Glatt
> This group is video marketplace and since he's selling a unit with
> Final Cut Pro on it, how does that not qualify?
> Craig
> http://www.pro-tape.com
If you took time to look you would see the posting was on a couple of
newsgroups which included comp.sys.apple2. marketplace. That is the
problems with posting on more then one newsgroup, people get confused.
I will never see your reply since I don't monitor rec.video.marketplace
and have removed the other so that the posting will not continue on the
Apple II newsgroup.
The only good spammer is a dead one!! Have you hunted one down today?
(c) 2006 I Kill Spammers, inc, A Rot in Hell. Co.
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