Posted by Dawn on 08/21/06 23:21
For instance, couldn't this camera produce footage that could look like
it was shot in 35mm film?
Dawn wrote:
> Found my answer elsewhere. But my next question is: are there digital
> camcorders that rival what 35mm movie cameras can produce, even if the
> digital camcorder is quite expensive?
> Mike Kujbida wrote:
> > Dawn wrote:
> > > What is the difference in film-making that makes professional films
> > > look professional, and home movies look so amateur (like on America's
> > > Funiest Home videos)?
> > >
> > > I don't mean camera movement, or bad-lighting, but rather about
> > > something fundamental with the technology used. Is it the lens
> > > quality? Or is it 8mm film versus whatever the cheap-looking home
> > > movies are filmed in?
> >
> >
> > Sorry to disappoint you but smooth camera movement and good lighting are two
> > things that makes a HUGE difference between anything the average home user
> > does and professional films.
> > The technology has a minor role in all of this.
> > Put a consumer camcorder in the hands of a seasoned pro and I guarantee you
> > that you'll say "That was shot with a consumer camcorder? No way!!"
> >
> > Mike
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