Posted by Wes Newell on 09/26/02 11:56
On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 16:40:04 -0400, Freewheeling wrote:
> Downloaded and burnt KnoppMyth R5C7. Not sure what to do with it. Can I
> just replace/overwrite Deskto/LX? That's not much good to me anymore.
KnoppMyth? Is that what I said? I meant Knoppix. KnoppMyth is
preconfigured to set up your system as a MythTV box. Don't run it unless
you want to wipe out everything on your drive. Knoppix is linux that runs
off the CD and doesn't use your HDD. With Knoppix, just set the CD as the
first boot device and boot. KnoppMyth won't do you any good unless you
have at least one TV tuner card and want to turn your PC into a HTPC. I
sure am sorry about that. I use Knoppmyth for frontend clientsoff my
mythtv server and just had it on the brain. It's Knoppix you want, or any
of the other so called live CD that run completely from the CD and don't
use your hard drive (unless you have a linux swap partition on it). If
you've already installed Knoppmyth, you'll have to reinstall XP or
whatever OS you were using. Knoppmyth won't play your dvd without
another library installed unless it's an unrpotected dvd. if you have one
of them it'll play it fine, or should. Wow, I'm really sorry for the
screwup in names.
Want the ultimate in free OTA SD/HDTV Recorder? http://mythtv.org
http://mysettopbox.tv/knoppmyth.html Usenet alt.video.ptv.mythtv
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