Posted by Wes Newell on 10/07/54 11:56
On Fri, 25 Aug 2006 14:29:50 -0400, Freewheeling wrote:
> Wes Newell wrote:
>> Download Freedos.
> Thanks. I downloaded the "disk image" but have no idea what to do with
> it. Do I need to run some Linux program that actually creates the disk
> from the image? It's funny how a lot of these sites leave out the most
> fundamental stuff. I guess I'm just supposed to know that... and I
> probably once did, but have forgotten.
Everything you need is here.
fdos1440.img 30-Nov-2005 17:26 1.4M
rawrite.exe 30-Nov-2005 16:03 14k
readme.html 30-Nov-2005 16:03 6k
readme.txt 30-Nov-2005 16:03 27k
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