Posted by P Pron on 09/09/06 00:42
Nimrod wrote:
|| "P Pron" <paulatspambegone.pron@tiscali.co.uk> wrote in message
|| news:4me7o5F5rfitU1@individual.net...
||| Nimrod wrote:
||||| "Alex" <alex1385NOSPAM@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
||||| news:QIGdnZb9FYbvGJzYRVnyug@eclipse.net.uk...
|||||| "Chris Macnamara" <chris.takeoutspammacnamara@ntlworld.com>
|||||| wrote in message
|||||| news:SBeMg.8853$SH2.7197@newsfe4-gui.ntli.net...
||||||| Sorry for the OT, but if I need technology answers, this group
||||||| seems to know better than anywhere else.
||||||| Looking for around 2-4 gigs, as light as possible, and very very
||||||| very easy
||||||| to use.
||||||| Is it just the iPod Nano, then?
||||||| Any other recommendations please.
|||||| The Nano is a good machine, probably the best of the Apple range,
|||||| but maybe
|||||| check out the Creative range, particularly the Zen V:
|||||| I have a Zen Micro which is great, but thicker than the Nano -
|||||| though has greater capacity and a radio, plus removable battery.
||||| and you're not stuck with the sony propriety format - you can use
||||| standard mp3's
||| Could you explain the reference to Sony?
||| paul
|| The iPod's 'preferred' music format is AAC, developed to allow the
|| inclusion of DRM data and is generally not usable outside the ipod.
|| MP3's on the other hand you can transfer and use on pretty much any
|| machine. It's like with minidisk - they tried to make ATRAC the new
|| compression standard but luckily minidisk never really caught on as
|| mp3's were becoming popular in the pc.
Thanks - I was aware of ATRAC, but didn't know that AAC had anything to do
with Sony.
I don't think it's right to suggest that an iPod user would be "stuck" with
AAC, though - I have an iPod, and it is as happy with MP3s as it is with
AAC - and iTunes will rip CDs to MP3, if preferred. I haven't tried the
Creative range, but I really like my iPod, for ease of use, in conjunction
with iTunes...
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