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Re: DVD Recorders = JUNK!!

Posted by Brian on 09/20/06 04:17

You would be better to get a good quality SEPARATE DVD player and DVD

Regards Brian

"MarMac1" <> wrote:

>Perhaps a gripe, more of a call for advice!
>Can anyone here answer a question for me? Over the past year, I have
>purchased 4 DVDRecorder/VCRcombos. Three of them are GoVideo machines. One
>is a Sharp. Each one of these have quit working on the DVD recording side.
>One of the GoVideo machines lasted a year and it just messed up today. Two
>of the GoVideo machines quit within 60 days of purchase. The Sharp machine
>quit working 7 months after I bought it. It is in the shop now. It is still
>under the "parts" warranty, but I will have to pay between $60 and $100
>I have owned about 25 VCRs over the past 20 years and each of them has
>lasted several years before just wearing out. Just kissed them goodbye,
>thanked them for their service and threw them in the trash. Five of these
>have been GoVideo dual deck machines. I still have two of them, each one
>about 5 years old. Work great! What is up with DVD Recorders?? Why the sorry
>service on these??
>I've been transferring about 1200 hours of VHS to DVD and have been using
>them a lot, but not nearly enough that they ought to quitting on me. I've
>probably only done about 400 hours total over the past few months on two
>machines. I might just have to wait a while and keep using my VHS machines
>and tapes.
>I do copy some DVD-DVD from time to time, not for resale, but for time
>shifting purposes. One of the nice things about the GoVideo machines is that
>I was able to "trick" the machines Copyguard by using a DVDPlayer/VCR combo
>unit as the source machine. If a disk was playing and it popped on screen
>that it could not record because it was copyrighted material, I could just
>push the "VCR" button on the source machine which would let the recording
>start on the recording machine and then push the "DVD" button and start the
>DVD player. Worked on a number of disks. The Sharp will not let me do this.
>When the movie would start playing, it would stop the recording process.
>Does anyone have any recommendations as to a good, RELIABLE brand of
>DVDRecorder/VCR? Do you know of any that use the same type of copyguard
>system that would let me do what the GoVideo would?



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