Posted by RobMac on 09/22/06 23:40
"Samurai" <samurai88@basicisp.net> wrote in message
> Lucas is the biggest menace of all! The worst part is he's brainwashing
> contemporary directors (like SUPERMAN RETURNS' Brian Singer) into using
> digital when film still beats it to death. My film instructor said on
> Wednesday (and he's an experienced filmmaker, not just a PhD theorist)
> that comparatively film is 4000 lines of resolution or so and even HD is
> only a tenth of that (or so), when blown up on the big screen. I thought
> the blacks in SUPER were pretty bad and the SFX definitely flat
> (especially the washed-out "Kryptonian crystal island" segments). I just
> bought a new TV and still marvel at how crappy television shows look (with
> a few exceptions) as compared to features on DVD. And people still rent
> videos!
O---kay....but....this was a light-hearted spoof about Lucas attempting to
bring the OT into line with the PT....not an attack on Lucas for using
Digital Film as opposed to "standard" film....sorry you missed the point...
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