Posted by nycram on 09/23/06 02:05
mikeyhsd wrote:
> in the patch window , getting message about peer guardian.
> clicking on it get a message that the peerguardian list people have been compromised.
> advises removing program and only using PIE patch.
> anyone know whats going on.
According to the chatter at the winmxgroup forums:
The people who maintain the blocklist used by peer guardian have put
all the winmx server IPs on their blocklist. So if you use PG and
WinMx, you alledgedly will never get a connection. They therefore want
you to dump PG.
I do use PG and WinMx, and I can't say I ever had a problem. I
supplement the PG list with the WinMx Allow list from another part of
the winmxgroup site. http://www.winmxworld.com/files/allow.txt
That countermands the block for the necessary addresses of the WinMx
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