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DVD Recorders with HDD - HDD vs. PC Hard Drive Failures?

Posted by LB on 09/26/06 05:54

Is it my imagination, or do the hard drives in DVD/HDD recorders fail
more often (more sensitive / prone to failure) than regular PC hard

PC Hardrives (esp. those in a laptop) get banged around a lot, and my
DVD Recorder has messages everywhere warning to be VEREEEE gentle with
the unit. Also, it seems more senstive to temperature changes.

How does the technology of a HDD in a DVD Recorder differ from a hard
drive in a PC or laptop? Why do the HDDs seem to fail waaaaay more
than regular hard drives do. Aren't they all the same thing?

My HDD hasn't failed (yet) but I am not very optimistic that it will
live a full life.




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