Posted by max on 09/30/06 17:43
On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 13:07:04 GMT, spam@uce.gov (Citizen Bob) wrote:
>CMC is the crappiest of the Taiwanese crap discs. You may get them to
>burn with a superior unit but they won't last. That's OK if you want a
>WORM disc you plan to discard.
>However, I get Tayio Yuden 8x -Rs in 100 quantity for 29 cents at
>rima.com. Postage cancels tax and gasoline. So why pay 26 cents for
>something you can get for 29 cents and have the best made.
Yah, why anybody would use bottom-feeder recordable media is beyond
me. I can only assume they've never had something screw up due to
crap media that they were counting on to work, not to mention trying
to read a disk a year later that's become unreadable.
One hour spend working around junk media problems more than
neutralizes the few dollars saved.
Still, it's a big world, and there's something for everyone.
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