Posted by RobMac on 12/15/05 15:06
"Bill's News" <BillsNews@pcmagic.net> wrote in message
> RobMac wrote:
>> I have 28 movies on my Netflix queue, of those, 16 have been "short
>> wait" or "very long wait" for over 2 1/2 weeks now....WTF is Netflix
>> up to now????!!!!
>> When I mail back 2 or 3 discs at the same time, they used to arrive
>> at the sorting center the next day, now it's 2-3 days until they show up
>> and
>> they NEVER arrive together (or at least, Netflix spreads the "we've
>> received..." notices over 2-3 days as well), cutting my monthly
>> rentals from about 20 to only 9 this month.......
>> This is my last month.....bye bye Netflix.
> 9 per mo is about $2 per disc, no? Not really so bad compared with BB's
> in-store new/old two-fer at 4+ per rental. What plan, may I ask, will you
> use with a better rental rate?
> OK. I've been lucky, for the most part, with NF turn-around and, except
> for the holiday weeks, I've never had problems maintaining ~4.5 per week.
> Are you sure you're being throttled, or are you just observing regional
> availability/allocation which you're wildly attributing motive?
> Just this past week I accidentally had all three discs on the program to
> which I subscribe back to them on Friday - so I missed "Cinderella Man" on
> Monday and it went to "Very Long Wait" on my list. Who's fault was that?
> Mea culpa ;-0)
> BTW, I'll still get CM - and other items which I've indicated as desirable
> have been delivered in its lieu.
For the time being, none.
Getting no rentals is better than waiting for NF to move a "very long wait"
disc to "long wait" to "short wait" to "shipping tomorrow" to "shipped" to
waiting 2 more days to actually receive it....it's easier on my psyche while
I pay about $20/mo. to not wait for something that may or may not ever come.
2/3 of my queue has not moved in over 3 weeks now....
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