Posted by jd on 10/07/06 10:30
On 7 Oct 2006 01:33:14 -0700, jamestk988@webtv.net wrote:
>i will try to explane my point of view as clearly as you have explaned
>yours. here is a list for you.supergirl-german trailer,tv spots,makeing
>of.evil dead-tv spots,outake reel,make up test,reunion
>speciale.d.2-makeing ofdawn of dead-tv spots,monroevill mall
>comercial,on set home movies,document of the dead documenteryday of
>dead-makeing of,tv spots,gateway center promoopening anchor bay dvd
>logos all of these were shot in 4:3with the dvd player set to 16:9 and
>my tv set to 4:3 mode the 4:3 picture is squished tall and skiney with
>black bars on the side within the 4:3 picture erea and the normal
>pillerbox bars of the tv while in this mode. when set to widescreen
>mode the 4:3 picture is unsquished and the black bars become the
>pillerbox bars.with the dvd player set to non 16:9 output the 4:3 is
>normal-aka no squishy. when like this with the tv set to 4:3 it is
>normal 4:3 with the normal tv pillerboxing and with the tv set to
>widescreen the 4:3 picture is streched out making everyone short and
>fat.this is the same thing that happens to anamorphic and non
>anamorphic widescreen movies is it not. therefore as i have said about
>8 times the 4:3 footage on acchor bay dvd's is in anamorphic for 16:9
>tv sets aling with all the normal anamophic widescreen stuff. therefore
>i can put in an anchor bay dvd and watch everything on the disc with
>the tv set on widescreen mode. but with dvd's from all the other
>studios none of the 4:3 stuff is anamophic and even the widescreen
>stuff like the theatrical trailers may switch from anamrpicly enhanced
>to 4:3 widesceen meaning i and other people with 16:9 sets have to keep
>switching screen modes. even alot of movies as you know are relesed in
>4:3 widescreen insted of 16:9 widescreen the last point i wish to make
>is progressive scan.with the dvd player set to this and plugged into
>the proper hookups on a 16:9 tv you will get a better and smoother film
>like picture. however set up like this it automaticly goes to
>widescreen mode and disables all other modes. therefore all non 16:9
>material will be streched out short and fat. with anchor bay dvd's
>this is not a problem as they are totaly 16:9 enhanced but since all
>other dvd's are half and half progressive scan is totaly useless.agin
>thanks for letting me state my info.
Learn how to use paragraphs you idiot.
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