Posted by <normanstrong on 10/11/06 17:01
"Citizen Bob" <spam@uce.gov> wrote in message
> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 08:48:50 -0700, <normanstrong@comcast.net> wrote:
>>> That's why at this moment I am evaluating the Polaroid DRM-2001G from
>>> WalMart for $220. It's a 80 GB HDD unit with DivX/XviD and a fan for
>>> cooling. It is made in China for Polaroid.
>>I read the instruction manual. It says nothing about DivX/XviD. Indeed
>>clearly states that it records in MPEG-II
> Sorry about that. It is not in the manual.
> It's on the box: "DIVX Certified". It's also on VideoHelp:
> http://www.videohelp.com/dvdrecorders.php?DVDname=polaroid+drm-2001g&Submit=Search&hdsize=Any&dvdportable=&dvdchanger=&dvdtv=&orderby=Name&hits=50&Search=Search
> http://tinyurl.com/fkg2a/
> Notice that in neither instance is there mention of XviD. I had to ask
> these Usenet forums if anyone knew that it played XviD and someone
> replied in the affirmative - so I got the unit and thus far it has
> played every XviD AVI I have fed it.
Excellent. An undocumented feature. I've run into those before. But now
the BIG question:
Can you play the HD or the DVD player WHILE the HD is recording? This is
essentially the same as the time slip feature on a Tivo. Also there should
be no problem playing a DVD while the HD is either recording or programmed
to record.
Theoretically, it should be possible to record on the DVDR while watching
the HD, but I'm willing to yield on that feature.
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