Posted by Richard C. on 12/17/05 02:58
X-No-archive: yes
"Walter Traprock" <wetraprock@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> "Bratboy" <DontBother@Takeallthisaway.tde.com> wrote:
>> I was wondering what the word was on SotS. I seem to recall a rumor back
>> a
>> bit about Disney relenting and putting it out but nada, info wise, in
>> some
>> time. Is back on the shelf or never got off the ground? Don't know about
>> anyone else but Im damned tired of the stupid mantra "think of the
>> children"
>> we have to put up with. Sorry for the mini rant but am so fed up with
>> this.
>> Why must I be forced to allow children, which I choose not to have,
>> control
>> MY life and veiwing pleasure? Then again I never have understood the
>> whole
>> tax breaks if you have kids deal either. Seems to me they, the parents,
>> had
>> the fun of creating & its their creations that need things taxes pay for
>> so
>> why should they get a break instead of me? Why should I get a heavier tax
>> burden when I CHOOSE to not burden the status quo by increasing the
>> surplus
>> population? Why are my choices limited because of someone elses children
>> just might see it. Again sorry for rant, just saw a report on the cable
>> alacart and they just had to mention that "Oh but ppl with children might
>> have to pay more for kid oriented stuff and thats not fair. Think of the
>> children", which to me is very fair.
> This is a RACIST movie, i've seen it. Now I know why the Klan used it
> for recruitment rallies. Zip-a-da-doo-day is definitely designed to
> incite hatred of African Americans, and the "harmless" old man in
> the cabin was designed to encourage abuse of boys, and the rebound
> attacks of whites on blacks, a frightening situation. walt disney must
> be burning in hell for his crimes. And showing Blacks with a redneck
> accent is the ultimate offense.
I asume you are attempting humor?
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