Posted by Sla#s on 10/12/06 23:41
DB wrote:
> "Sla#s" <phil@KNOTslatts.fsworld.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:452d85b3$0$8728$ed2619ec@ptn-nntp-reader02.plus.net...
>> DB wrote:
>>> A friend who has an IPOD asked if it was possible to convert Itunes
>>> back to MP3 files.....
>> iTunes does not "convert" mp3 files to anything else. It just has a
>> different naming convention when copying them on the iPod. The mp3s
>> can remain on the original machine, in their original place, as mp3s.
>> In which case iTunes is just a catalogue system.
>> Though you can have it move/copy music to it's own directorys,
>> should you so desire and it can also be used as a CD ripper.
>Thanx Slatts......can i connect Ipod to pc,,and move files back to PC
> and then burn them to cd.....as wave files ?
They haven't left your PC they were only "copied" to the iPod.
Or are you trying to copy the music from your iPod on to another persons PC?
In which case - in theory, no, but in practice, yes.
You use to be able to with 'YamiPod' but it does not work with iTunes 7.
(YamiPod are currently testing a Beta for iTunes 7)
There are other ways but it would take ages to explain - Google it.
Basically make sure all your id tags are correct, Allow "Disk use"on the
iPod, then in windows "show hidden files" then move them and use "The
Godfather" to rename them. But Google it for full details.
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