Posted by Jeff Rife on 12/20/05 04:45
afiggatt (afiggatt@adelphia.net) wrote in alt.video.dvd:
> But by the 80s & 90s, a lot of shows were still shot on 35mm (and
> still are), but the editing and special effects stuff was done on video.
> TO create an HD version, they might have to go back to the original 35mm
> film and re-edit it from the 35 mm originals. Expensive to do this.
One amazing exception is "Cheers", where the DVDs are sourced from HD
telecines of the original film re-edited to as closely match the final tape
episode as they could manage.
Yes, that's incredibly expensive, but it hasn't show up in the DVD pricing,
thank goodness.
I know HDNet has a deal with Paramount, and I'm waiting for "Cheers" to show
up there.
Jeff Rife | copy protection: n. A class of methods for
| preventing incompetent pirates from stealing
| software and legitimate customers from using it.
| Considered silly.
| -- Jargon File version 4.4.6
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