Posted by Justin on 12/20/05 15:06
Panzer wrote on [20 Dec 2005 05:26:33 -0800]:
> NunYa Bidness wrote:
>> You guys should take your foreplay to alt.hellbound.usenet.idiots
>> then. They have been waiting for you there since their last remote
>> viewing session uncovered you, just prior to November.
> Who the hell are you to tell me where i should go or not? If u r so
> concerned abt the grp in question then u must go over there. By the way
> this group is also full of idiots as are all the groups on usenet
what is u r abt grp?
These aren't words, these are lazy morons attempts at words.
This is a text based medium, why are so many people unwilling to use
proper spelling?
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