Posted by Jim Gilliland on 11/09/06 13:53
Guest wrote:
> See son, you are biased without even giving it a try for yourself.
> You say that I am delusional, but how come I see scratches on the film when
> I saw none with the generic? How come details are brighter, cleaner and
> earth materials look as they should?
The simple answer is that the differences that you perceive don't really exist.
You believe that you see them, but that IS your delusion. That's the problem
with your flawed testing mechanism. Don't feel bad about it, it happens to
every member of our species.
If you want to eliminate bias, you must use a double blind mechanism. That
means that you must set up a set of tests where you don't know which cable is
being used, and furthermore, where the person administering the test doesn't
know which cable is being used. Only under those circumstances can you
eliminate bias from the test.
Experiments that don't follow double-blind procedures do not produce meaningful
results. Humans ARE biased, and we are incapable of suppressing that bias in
these situations. So the only way to achieve a meaningful result is to
completely remove the information on which the bias is based.
BTW, I'm not your son.
Of course, you are free to continue to enjoy your system with whichever cables
give you the most pleasure. And, if you like, you can continue to believe that
you see or hear substantial differences between them. But in the absence of a
properly controlled and documented test, you shouldn't expect others to accept
your claims - especially when they contradict well-established norms.
Keep in mind that there is one further problem with your claims, one that I
tried to bring out with my sarcastic remarks yesterday. You claim to have heard
audible differences between digital transmission paths that are simply not
possible. There is no mechanism that could provide the differences that you
described. Digital audio just doesn't work that way.
So you've asked us to accept something that we know to be impossible. And
you've done so without a single shred of usable evidence. Is it any wonder that
everyone here has rejected your claims?
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