Posted by Mike on 12/23/05 02:35
Biz wrote:
> Most of us don't know Anthony from Adam. Without some showing of humor like
> a smiley face, Anthony could actually be that thick.
I know! If you can't tell a joke, imaginge how difficult it is for those
from the "english as a second language" community. But smileys are not
enough to convey all the subtlties, and are not standardised.
Please support the proposed new ISO standard for UML, "Usenet Markup
Language". Based on XML, it uses tags to clarify meaning. Here is an
<Joke clean="1"> A horse walks into a bar. The barman says,
<PUNCHLINE>"Why the long face?"</PUNCHLINE></Joke><you may laugh now>
A conformant UML reader will colour-code sections, for example all IRONY
will be in black. For american readers, big blinking IRONY tags can be
shown, with a hyper-text link to the dictionary definition explaining
the concept.
> you have no way of knowing if the OP is a troll, a
> jokester, or really clueless....
<sarcasm> apart from the really BIG FREAKIN' CLUES!!<sarcasm>
Oh bugger - have I been trolled by "Biz"?
Dear Biz, please tag your post at <CLEVER TROLL> or <REALLY CLUELESS>.
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