Posted by Roberto Pirezzi on 11/21/06 22:29
"{{{{{Welcome}}}}}" <bhx___spam@trapped___hotmail.co.uk> wrote in message
> Thus spaketh The Thing:
>> Ok, the situation is this, i have one of those upscaling DVD players
>> from Aldi, and i think it's brill....
>> I've got some spare dough, and i've decided to buy one of those new
>> Denon players (The 3930, to be precise)...
>> Now, that's all cut and dry, until a "mate" suggests that if i'm
>> gonna spend the best part of 900 on a player that upscales, have i
>> considered buying a Next Gen player (HD-DVD or Blu-ray, although he
>> was specific on Blu-ray, he believes once the PS3 comes out, HD-DVD
>> will disappear!! His words not mine, i don't want to get in the
>> middle of that little argument)
> Sounds like you have more money than sense.
I think we all have more money than his sense..:-)
> You are extremely happy with Aldi machine, yet you want to waste money on
> another machine that does the same job. That's just crazy.
Tell that to married guys who go to prossies lol
> Put the money away into a high interest account, and save it for something
> worthwhile later on.
Don't get much interest on 900 quid - best taking it to Casino and trying
roulette. :-) Bad advice...take it from a former casino addict lol
> Just because you have money, doesn't mean you have to spend it.
Really?! - I wish someone had told me that sooner!
Nowadays I have to beg, steal and borrow to afford luxery items, such as
Tesco Value DVD players for example. Heartbreaking spending nearly 18 quid
of my hard begged money!!
> --
> Mobile Offers: www.southeastbirmingham.co.uk/payg
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