Posted by pwilleke on 11/29/06 12:44
> Especially in business-related presentations -- which yours may or may
> not be, I don't know -- generally the shorter the better, just be sure
> to get your main points across to the audience. People tend to fall
> asleep in long presentations and that's not desirable.
It isn't a business presentation really.
Two years ago we started up our company and went on a Kick-Off weekend.
It was an all-fun-no-work weekend.
I don't think they will fall asleep, they are all in the film.
But still, it could have been shorter. That is something I will
practice on in the future.
But, what do you do with a video that is very emotional to yourself?
I have some footage of the trip my wife and I made when we went to get
our adoption son.
This means obviously a great deal to us.
This was four years ago, and I still haven't started editting it. Why?
I think I'm afraid to do so...
How do you decide what you cut and what stays in?
For example, I have about ten minutes where our son was playing in the
hotel room.
In this part he laughing all the time having fun with a plastic ball.
I KNOW that if I show this to the rest of the family they will think
.... TOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOONG. And ... they would be right. But for ma, as a
father, how to decide what I will cut out and what gets to stay in ...
that's difficult.
I have thought about two versions, the extended one where I only take
out bad and even for us boring parts and a stripped version, where I
have short clips showing only the parts needed to tell the story and
give a clear impression of the situation. Think I will do it like that,
otherwise I will remain undesided for a long time to come.
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