Posted by Derek Janssen on 12/06/06 22:49
Quanta wrote:
> "Rich Clark" <rdclark2@comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:1165421303.164846.303220@j72g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
>>Modemac wrote:
>>>This effectively means that you're accepting the line that ripping a
>>>DVD that you purchased, to play on your own iPod, is illegal.
>>Why does it have to mean that? Maybe it means that you don't have a
>>computer, or don't want to bother ripping your own DVDs, or just think
>>it's more convenient to get the movie on your iPod *right now*, or any
>>number of things.
>>>Evidently the Sony-Betamax decision doesn't cover copying movies to an
No, the downloads are still security-coded up the keister, and, in fact,
you have to pay $3.97 if you want "both" the PC and the "portable device".
(Which still hasn't been positively identified as iPod, ie. MP4, yet,
and could be another one of those dopey .WMV "Plays For Sure" wannabes.
Somehow, with Wal-Mart, I have some suspicious guesses.)
>>This is not evidence of that.
> Yes it is evidence of that. On Nov. 27 a judge ruled just that: Consumers
> have no rights other than playing on the device the media was licensed for.
> You cannot copy to iPod without paying. Simple.
And as to whether Wal-Mart's commercial rips have been cleared with the
studio, or whether they got a little too personally hubris'ed about "We
can sell ANY kind of DVD, we know how!" without looking at the fine
print, may be tested in courts soon.
If they are, however, it should be an interesting "middleman" to the
fact that none of the other studios wanted to play with Steve Jobs and
his iTunes Store because of his flat-prices (which's why they all jumped
over to Amazon for that download thing...SUC-KERS!!), and iPod users may
finally be able to store other licensed .M4V movies besides
Disney/Miramax ones.
(As to the "future of DVD's", however, as we ritually get in articles
like these...sorry, analysts, that's ALL they'll do.)
Derek Janssen (remember "High School Musical"!)
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