Posted by Derek Janssen on 12/12/06 19:28
Kimba W. Lion wrote:
> "kushu" <kushalputhran@gmail.com> wrote:
>>The name Blu-ray is derived from the blue-violet laser it uses...
> *yawn*
> It's just more crap from Sony.
Actually, according to recent articles, CES analysts have discovered
that the reason Blu-Ray isn't gaining ground isn't because of technical,
comparative, studio-supported or game-platform reasons, but simply because:
A) nobody trusts Sony,
B) nobody trusts new "exclusive" Sony formats, and/or
C) nobody trusts rabidly loyal Sony fanboys.
(Me, I was with HD from the beginning, until I found out that HD used a
Microsoft-based codec, and the reason Apple originally supported Blu was
that it used a Quicktime-compatible codec--
Oh, great, Sony vs. Microsoft, NOW who do I root for?) >_<
Derek Janssen
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