Posted by Jack Gillis on 12/19/06 22:09
"Citizen Bob" <spam@uce.gov> wrote in message
> On Tue, 19 Dec 2006 11:43:00 -0500, "Jack Gillis"
> <XXXXXXXX@widomaker.com> wrote:
>>> You should be consulting Samsung customer support.
>>I did and they suggested the 4:3 Override thing. I don't know what that
>>nor does my cable company. Do you know?
> I do not have a Samsung. But they should be able to expain to you.
> I am beginning to suspect that you are not using what my son's TV has
> called "Format". It is a kind of aspect adjustment but not the same as
> in the Setup. It is available on the remote control. We put the Indian
> Test Pattern up and found two Formats out of about 6 that worked, one
> which was full screen. I think it was called "Expanded" but I can't be
> sure. In any event it worked fine for TV and for DVD.
>>I just got the test patter, burned and displayed it. No format
>>(4:3,16:9,Zoom 1 or Zoom 2) displays the circle. The 4:3 is elongated
>>vertically and the 16:9 elongated horizontally as is to be expected.
> You may be using the wrong adjustments. I know my son has to set the
> aspect separately, so it is not the same as the Format we used to get
> the circular test pattern.
> You might want to consult the manual for something that adjusts both
> the aspect and the picture size at the same time. It may even be
> called "Format". Otherwise consult Samsung again. Let me know what you
> find out.
> --
I downloaded a pdf of the manual and did a search of it for 'format'.
Nothing other than what appears in the 'picture size' section. The manual
appears to use the terms synonomously. I can make the picture appear in 4:3
format with the black bars on each side of it with no problem. Next time I
have the set on I will measure the picture and see if it is indeed 4x3. My
guess the 4 is a bit smaller than 4 -- just smaller enough to produce the
> Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a
> few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving,
> regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
> --Ronald Reagan
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