Posted by JoeBloe on 12/31/06 16:48
On 31 Dec 2006 07:59:46 GMT, Mac Cool <Mac@2cool.com> Gave us:
>Derek Janssen:
>> (IOW, "Oh, you'd rather buy Beauty & the Beast and Lion King on
>> DVD?...Good. Go buy it. >:) ")
>I wouldn't buy either, neither would my kids because they already own them
>on VHS and by the time they care about the quality they will be too old to
>care about cartoons, especially old cartoons.
Yes, but why be a total retard and spend the money on a degradable
format like retarded, antiquated VHS, when a few dollars more gets you
a pristine, flawless, high longevity copy? For a few dollars more
than that, I get a high res, high longevity copy. Ny system requires
it. Yours is a 9" black and white from the way you spew your crap in
here, and your knowledge of the industry hovers near nil.
D O ' H !
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