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Re: AllofMP3's e-centru safe?

Posted by on 01/08/07 23:19

"Technobarbarian" <> wrote:

[snip self-inflated blowhard bullshit]

I'd say you're such an ass, you're funny. But you're not even funny.
Just because you claim to be right and further claim everyone else is
stupid, you assume that makes it so. You aren't Jean Luc Picard. What
you say means shit. You have zero credibility except in your own little
head. And I do mean little.

AllofMP3 has a well-designed site, yes, that is well structured, and has
been from their inception in 2000. Criminal sites don't stick around for
6 years building and maintaining excellent reputations with their
customers. I've been online since 1988 -- how long have you been online?
5 years? Are you even out of high school yet? Sites that are designed by
criminals to make a quick buck do not pour money and resources into
becoming the kind of site and service that AllofMP3 has become, nor do
they persist with an excellent reputation among customers for 6 years
and counting. You're likely jealous b/c you're paying some 'leagl rip
off' company like the ever-fucked iTunes that uses proprietary
software/formats/player and charges an arm and a leg for music. You (or
your mommy and daddy) probably also used AOL for $21.95/mo when you
could've gotten online access for $5.95/mo without all the AOL bullshit.

I have zero qualms about using AllofMP3, but I *do* have qualms about
e-centru. And btw, 99.5% of the music I have bought so far from AllOfMP3
over the last few years has been old stuff that I don't want to have to
pull my LPs out to record, one by one. I am legally allowed to make a
copy of my LPs for personal use. As it is I'm paying for the music over
again to save myself the trouble. Something I wouldn't be doing if
AllofMP3 weren't making it affordable.

The RIAA is not god. The entire music industry went from a creative
industry in the 60s to a corporate business thereafter. It cranked out
boy-bands and bullshit acts like rotten candy, and jammed 12 crappy
songs on to a CD with a single good tune. Well, now the tables have
turned. New acts don't need to bend over for the music industry to
become known, and consumers are no longer forced to turn over $15 - $20
bucks for a crappy CD to get one or two good songs. If the RIAA feels
the sting of reduced royalties, well it's about time. The music industry
-- and artists themselves -- need to move forward with the times and
think about payment structures that will make them more money by working
*with* trends. When online songs are dirt cheap, people are more likely
to buy many more songs than when they're a buck apiece. But that's not
even the real issue for the RIAA, labels or artists. The cogent and
central issue in the pricing structure of online songs is that there is
no CD, or jacket, or jewel case, or any kind of expense whatsoever
incurred by the artist or label when someone downloads a song from a
site like AllofMP3 to their computer. AllofMP3 pays to design/code their
site and supply the bandwidth. Even a small percentage of their profits
sent to the RIAA (or however they do it) is pure profit for them. And if
AllofMP3 *hasn't* been paying *anything* tot he RIAA (as some sources
claim, not all) then let the courts straighten that out. For my part I
am a loyal, thankful and extremely happy customer of AllofMP3 and will
enthusiastically remain so as long as their site stays online. I will
only be waiting until a better partner comes along to process Visa or
MC. If I had a diner's club card, I'd be buying with Chronopay.

Furthermore, if the RIAA was smart instead of greedy, it would set up
the same exact kind of site/service, and charge the same prices as
AllofMP3. Now they would make 100% of the money instead of "a Russian
site" turning over a portion of it. But they are greedy. And that's
their downfall. This ain't pressin' records, and it ain't burning CDs...
this is passing along files. It is the cheapest way possible for them to
sell a shitload of music on an ongoing basis with virtually no overhead
in the process except for the costs of running the site. And obviously
AllofMP3 makes that work with the prices they charge, so the RIAA could
do the same exact thing.

If/when they do, I will be happy to buy from the RIAA instead. In the
meantime, AllofMP3 gets my business every time.



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