Posted by RobMac on 01/01/06 16:46
"Walter R." <wer25@example.com> wrote in message
>I invested all of 40 bucks in a DVD recorder. I hoped I would be able to
>copy all kinds of good, old movies from netflix and the local public
>libraries. Alas. this dream of a great movie library was not fulfilled.
> Practically all DVDs that I borrowed from the library, especially the
> popular ones that I was interest in, were scratched and the movies barely
> stumbled along. The disks from netflix also jerked quite a bit and made
> for a less than exhilarating movie experience.
> I tried two different DVD players but the results were equally
> disappointing. The old VHS tapes worked much better.
> Was my experience unique, or do other folks have the same problems? Short
> of buying brand new movie DVDs, how can I get my hands on clean DVD disks?
> Happy New Year
> --
> Walter
> www.rationality.net
> -
But with DVDs in the $20 range why not just buy good, clean, brand new
copies and start a proper library of your own? I mean, if you're renting and
hoping to steal a copy for yourself so you can presumably watch a movie over
and over again, it really is much better to get a new one you can display
prominently on a shelf in your living room....they make great conversation
starters too, so there's another reason to buy instead of steal !!!
If you copy then you have no case with nice poster art or liner notes....who
wants that?
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