Posted by bobs.auto.service on 01/02/06 15:56
This must be the newer version of the DVD.
I found this on the web HERE:
Fully described below w/ adjustments
Differential Vacuum Delay Valve (DVDV) Adjustment
Idle speed and mixture settings are factory set and sealed; adjustment
of the idle mixture requires special tools including an exhaust gas
analyzer and should not be attempted by the do-it-yourselfer, but only
by an authorized GM dealer.
A cover is in place over the idle air bleed valve, and the access
holes to the idle mixture needles are sealed with hardened plugs to
prevent the factory settings from being tampered with. These items are
NOT to be removed unless required for cleaning, part replacement,
improper dwell readings or if the System Performance Check indicates
the carburetor is the cause of the trouble.
5.0L Engine
Fig. 1: Idle mixture needle plug removal
Remove the carburetor from the engine, following normal service
procedures to gain access to the plugs covering the idle mixture
Invert carburetor and drain fuel into a suitable container.
Take precautions to avoid the risk of fire.
Place the carburetor on a suitable holding fixture, with the intake
manifold side up. Use care to avoid damaging linkage, tubes and parts
protruding from air horn.
Make 2 parallel cuts in the throttle body, 1 on each side of the
locator points beneath the idle mixture needle plug (manifold side),
with a hacksaw.
The cuts should reach down to the steel plug, but should not extend
more than 1/8 inch beyond the locator points. The distance between the
saw cuts depends on the size of the punch to be used.
Place a flat punch near the ends of the saw marks in the throttle
body. Hold the punch at a 45 degree angle and drive it into the
throttle body until the casting breaks away, exposing the steel plug.
The hardened plug will break, rather than remaining intact. It is not
necessary to remove the plug in a whole piece, but do remove the loose
If equipped with a 4 barrel carburetor, repeat the procedure for the
remaining mixture needle plug.
Reinstall the carburetor using a new gasket.
Fig. 2: Dwell meter connection
Block the drive wheels, set the parking brake and place the
transmission in P for vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission
or neutral for manual transmissions.
Remove the idle mixture needle plugs and turn the idle mixture screw
in until lightly seated, then back out approximately 3 3/8 turns using
tool J-29030 or equivalent.
Reinstall the carburetor, if previously removed.
Do not install the air cleaner.
Disconnect and plug the hoses as directed on the Emission Control
Information Label under the hood.
Check the ignition timing as shown on the Emission Control Information
Connect the positive lead of a dwell meter to the mixture control
solenoid test lead (green connector generally located on right
fenderwell) and connect the other lead to ground. Set the dwell meter
to the 6-cylinder position.
Fig. 3: Idle air bleed valve identification letter location - 5.0L
(VIN Y) Engine
Fig. 4: Adjusting idle air bleed - 5.0L (VIN Y) Engine
Start the engine and allow it run until thoroughly warm and dwell
begins to vary.
Check idle speed and compare to the specifications on the underhood
Emission Control Information Label. If necessary adjust the curb idle
With the engine idling in D for automatic transmissions or neutral for
manual transmissions, observe the dwell reading on the 6 cylinder
If the reading is varying within the 10-50 degree range, the
adjustment is correct.
If the reading is not as specified remove the idle air bleed valve
cover. Refer to Fuel System, Fuel System. With cover removed, look for
presence (or absence) of a letter identification on top of idle air
bleed valve.
A missing cover indicates that the idle air bleed valve setting has
been changed from its original factory setting.
If no identifying letter appears on top of the valve, begin with
Procedure A, below. If the valve is identified with a letter, begin
Procedure B.
Procedure A (No Letter On Idle Air Bleed Valve)
Presetting the idle air bleed valve to a gauge dimension is necessary
only if the valve was serviced prior to on-vehicle adjustment.
Install idle air bleed valve gauging Tool J-33815-2, BT-8253-B, or
equivalent, in throttle side D-shaped vent hole in the air horn
casting. The upper end of the tool should be positioned over the open
cavity next to the idle air bleed valve.
While holding the gauging tool down lightly, so that the solenoid
plunger is against the solenoid stop, adjust the idle air bleed valve
so that the gauging tool will pivot over and just contact the top of
the valve. The valve is now preset for on-vehicle adjustment. Remove
the gauging tool and proceed as follows:
Disconnect the vacuum hose from the canister purge valve and plug it.
Start engine and allow it to reach normal operating temperature.
While idling in D for automatic transmission or neutral for manual
transmission, use a screwdriver to slowly turn the valve
counterclockwise or clockwise, until the dwell reading varies within
the 25-35° range, attempting to be as close to 30° as possible.
If the reading is not as specified, the idle mixture needles will have
to be adjusted.
If the reading is within specifications, reconnect all hoses
previously removed and install air cleaner.
Perform this step carefully. The air bleed valve is very sensitive and
should be turned in 1/8 turn increments only.
If unable to set dwell to 25-35°, and the dwell is below 25°, turn
both mixture needles counterclockwise an additional turn. If dwell is
above 35°, turn both mixture needles clockwise an additional turn.
Readjust idle air bleed valve to obtain dwell limits.
After adjustments are complete, seal the idle mixture needle openings
in the throttle body, using silicone sealant, RTV rubber, or
equivalent. The sealer is required to discourage unnecessary
adjustment of the setting, and to prevent fuel vapor loss in that
On vehicles without a carburetor-mounted Idle Speed Control or Idle
Load Compensator, adjust curb idle speed if necessary.
Check, and only if necessary adjust, fast idle speed as described on
Vehicle Emission Control Information label.
Procedure B (Letter Appears On Idle Air Bleed Valve)
Install idle air bleed valve gauging Tool J-33815-2, BT-8253-B, or
equivalent, in throttle side D-shaped vent hole in the air horn
casting. The upper end of the tool should be positioned over the open
cavity next to the idle air bleed valve.
While holding the gauging tool down lightly, so that the solenoid
plunger is against the solenoid stop, adjust the idle air bleed valve
so that the gauging tool will pivot over and just contact the top of
the valve.
The valve is now set properly. No further adjustment of the valve is
necessary. Remove gauging tool.
Disconnect vacuum hose to canister purge valve and plug it.
Start engine and allow it to reach normal operating temperature.
While idling in D for automatic transmissions or neutral for manual
transmission, adjust both mixture needles equally, 1/8 turn
increments, until dwell reading varies within the 25-35 degree range,
attempting to be as close to 30 degrees as possible.
If reading is too low, turn mixture needles counterclockwise. If
reading is too high, turn mixture needles clockwise. Allow time for
dwell reading to stabilize after each adjustment.
After adjustments are complete, seal the idle mixture needle openings
in the throttle body, using silicone sealant, RTV rubber, or
equivalent. The sealer is required to discourage unnecessary
readjustment of the setting, and to prevent fuel vapor loss in that
On vehicles without a carburetor-mounted Idle Speed Control or Idle
Load Compensator, adjust curb idle speed if necessary.
Check, and if necessary, adjust fast idle speed, as described on the
Vehicle Emission Control Information label.
See Figure 5
Fig. 5: Idle Load Compensator (ILC) adjustment - 5.0L (VIN Y) Engine
Prepare the vehicle for adjustments-see emission label.
Connect a tachometer (distributor side of TACH filter, if used).
Remove the air cleaner and plug vacuum hose to thermal vacuum valve
Disconnect and plug the vacuum hose to EGR.
Disconnect and plug the vacuum hose to canister purge port.
Disconnect and plug the vacuum hose to ILC.
Back out the idle stop screw on the carburetor 3 turns.
Turn the air conditioning OFF.
Before starting engine, place the transmission in the Park position,
set parking brake and block drive wheels.
With the engine running (engine warm, choke off), transmission in D
position and ILC plunger fully extended (no vacuum applied), using
tool J-29607, BT-8022, or equivalent, adjust plunger to obtain 650-750
rpm. Locknut on plunger must be held with wrench to prevent damage to
guide tabs.
Remove plug from vacuum hose, reconnect hose to ILC and observe idle
speed. Idle speed should be 425-475 rpm in D position.
If rpm in Step 10 is correct, proceed to Step 13. No further
adjustment of the ILC is necessary.
If rpm in Step 10 is not correct:
Stop engine and remove the ILC. Plug vacuum hose to ILC.
With the ILC removed, remove the rubber cap from the center outlet
tube and remove the metal plug (if used) from this same tube.
Install ILC on carburetor and re-attach throttle return spring and any
other related parts removed during disassembly. Remove plug from
vacuum hose and reconnect hose to ILC.
Using a spare rubber cap with hole punched to accept a 0.090 in. (3/32
inch) hex key wrench, install cap on center outlet tube (to seal
against vacuum loss) and insert wrench through cap to engage adjusting
screw inside tube. Start engine and turn adjusting screw with wrench
to obtain 550 rpm in D position. Turning the adjusting screw will
change the idle speed approximately 75-100 rpm for each complete turn.
Turning the screw counterclockwise will increase the engine speed.
Remove wrench and cap (with hole) from center outlet tube and install
new rubber cap.
Engine running, transmission in D position, observe idle speed. If a
final adjustment is required, it will be necessary to repeat Steps 12a
through 12e.
After adjustment of the ILC plunger, measure distance from the lock
nut to tip of the plunger, dimension must not exceed 1 in. (25mm).
Disconnect and plug vacuum hose to ILC. Apply vacuum source such as
hand vacuum pump J-23768, BT-7517 or equivalent to ILC vacuum inlet
tube to fully retract the plunger.
Adjust the idle stop on the carburetor float bowl to obtain 500 rpm in
D position.
Place transmission in P position and stop engine.
Remove plug from vacuum hose and install hose on ILC vacuum inlet
Remove plugs and reconnect all vacuum hoses.
Install air cleaner and gasket.
Remove block from drive wheels.
Differential Vacuum Delay Valve
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