Posted by Kingkeld on 01/25/07 21:44
*cough* spam.
On Jan 25, 3:32 pm, pamwa...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
> I had been trawling through Google Groups to find if anyone had a hack
> for my DVD players and got nowhere and finally came across DVD Unlocks
> 4u elsewhere.
> It was when I went to another forum I found the answer, so I am passing
> it on so that if anyone else comes through here they may find an answer
> unlike myself.
> Just to say that I had problems with unlocking my dvd players, a
> Panasonic and a Sony and through another forum site DVD Reviewer I
> found someone who says he can unlock the vast majority of DVD easy and
> for the cost of a point of beer. Their words.
> I was sceptical but gave it a go and it works. Had been told that you
> had to have a special remote and that an internal alteration was
> required but that is not true.
> The guy was on ebay and now has his own website DVD Unlocks 4u onhttp://web.ukonline.co.uk/mwill96/dvdunlocks4u.htmand he gave me the
> instructions and they worked wonderfully.
> My daughter can now play the DVDs we bought for her in Orlando after
> going to Disney and well it has made her very happy.
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