Posted by Skipai Otter on 01/30/07 11:32
"dvdlibra" <alan.wilson9@btconnect.com> wrote in message
> So, how about the add-on HD-DVD Drive for the XBOX360... would you buy
> that instead?
Well, the Xbox never really did it for me. I had the console but it never
really worked. The titles for it never interested me for one. As for this
generation, still waiting for some titles to come out to use it as a
console. But I never liked how consoles play movies anyways. Maybe it's
just me, but I really hated the quality that the PS2 did with dvd's and keep
thinking it be like that across the board. If I do, it probably be a
standalone hd-dvd player. But again it won't be until there's a clear
winner, if any.
Really depends on Sony or Microsoft being the ones with the money who will
pull out all the stops to ensure the format they are in wins. Although I
think Microsoft has it for having more money in the bank to use if needs be.
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