Posted by Stuart on 02/10/07 01:23
<anthony.oren@gmail.com> wrote in message
>I downloaded a foreign film in AVI format (about 1.2gigs). The movie
> plays fine on my WinXP PC but when I pop it in my DVD Player, I can
> only hear audio and do not see any video.
> I used WinAVI AVI > DVD Converter first and burnt the DVD -- No video,
> only audio
> Then I used Nero Burning Rom to load the .AVI file and burn it to a
> DVD in hopes of selecting it from a menu screen. Again, no video on
> DVD player but I hear the audio.
> It works on PC with no problems, whether AVI or DVD. All my other DVDs
> work.
> I thought it's because the foreign film is PAL format but Nero said
> during the burn process that it will convert all of it to NTSC.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
Try VSOConvertXtoDVD to produce the VIDEO_TS file collection and you can
burn from it as well if you don't want to use Nero
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