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WMA still sucks in '07- Help me get my DRM'ed music back?

Posted by wildgeese on 02/23/07 00:27

Any suggestions taken here: on how to get DRM encoded music files
playable, when WMP11 claims I have no license.

It took me about half of forever to find or reestablish lisences, (for
music files saved onto my computer from cd's I owned way back when,)
after losing them originally when i had to reformat my computer and my
backup did not work.

Now I have WMP11 installed- by dumb accident- (it seemed like it was
only updating a component but it actually installed an entirely new
version)- and once again, some of those files are not playable. I was
in the middle of tedious process of burning them back onto cd's once
and for all, one by one, but was nowhere near finishing the task when
this happened. Apparently I understand that now there is a broad,
generic license that is not capable of unencoding every file- some are
inevitably lost. The only solution Microsoft has suggested is recopy
from the original cd's (not an option for me) or revert to WMP10
(which sounds incredibly risky because apparently even more data may
be lost in the process.)

I simply don't have enough knowledge about hacking code to have any
idea what I could try to "unfuck" my music. I know some of the
FairUse thingies are not available anymore because they got sued into
the ground. Can anyone help me solve this problem? Info. please!
Generous techies with knowledge to spare please reply!




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