Posted by Ty Ford on 02/24/07 21:03
On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 13:01:24 -0500, MassiveProng wrote
(in article <d6v0u218ellphht7ue1k8aa13b6b0imdrn@4ax.com>):
> On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 08:00:49 -0500, Ty Ford <tyreeford@comcast.net>
> Gave us:
> Hey, little bitch!
>> You want to bitch slap each other take it outside in the parking
>> lot.
> Fuck off, netkopp! I'd rather do a YouTube post of a Pulp Fiction
> character shoving an NYPD broomstick handle up your ass.
>> Otherwise STFU.
> See above, dipshit.
>> Thanks,
>> Ty Ford, the idiot that has no concept of free speech
> Yep, that'd be you.
What are you 13 years old? You call what you're doing speech? It's not.
It's you jerking off in front of the computer. It's you imposing your crap
on crossposted newsgroups and abusing others in the process.
These are public forums, bucko. If you don't have any respect for yourself,
try having some for everyone else.
Netcop, no, but when you fart in my (and everyone else's) face, I'm gong to
tell you to pull your pants up and go out on the porch until your gas attack
clears up.
You got something that approaches something or provocative to say ON TOPIC ,
fine. Otherwise dump your crap outside. When you can behave like a sentient
human being you can actually take advantage of the right of free speech.
Ty Ford
--Audio Equipment Reviews Audio Production Services
Acting and Voiceover Demos http://www.tyford.com
Guitar player?:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RZJ9MptZmU
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