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Re: Clean 110VAC power - which device is best?

Posted by w_tom on 02/24/07 17:08

On Feb 23, 6:50 pm, "Gene" <> wrote:
> Yeah, I need to do some research & find one that maintains
> a high constant voltage & is extremely clean. I suspect that
> line noise could play a part in my problems. Having 110VAC
> attached to the camcorder has always been a noise concern
> for me. It's hard to catch this with a common volt meter.

The typical UPS connects electronics directly to AC mains when not
in battery backup mode. This one, for example, claims a modified sine
wave. And so we look at that modified sine wave. 120 volts is two
200 volt square waves with up to 270 volt spike between those square
waves. Is that UPS protection? Yes. Is that a sine wave. Yes. But
the UPS is the source of the dirtiest electricity.

You are making assumptions rather than following the evidence. The
power supply inside each component must make all noise irrelevant.
But other problems may exist. One as suggested ground loops.

Meanwhile the UPS as described will cost $500+.

Do you have line noise? Well if the power supply inside components
is defective or missing essential functions, then these line filters
may replace what should have been installed:

An example of how it might be assembled:

Otherwise find hefty line filters such as

Notice the price to fix something that must be inside that
electronics power supply. But again, we are only assuming noise.
Reality is probably something completely different. And again, why do
they say in CSI, "Follow the evidence". You are trying to solve a
problem using classic junk science reasoning. Provides are facts that
others should have known before making that UPS recommendation. What
does the UPS numerical specs say? That UPS typically connects
appliances directly to AC mains (and the noise) when not in battery
backup mode.



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